Sunday, March 20, 2011

My first and only kind of comic-ish success

The only comic I started and actually saw through to a completed-ish stage was my "Steampunk" comic. It wasn't really steampunk. It was sort of an idea of it but not really enough detail nor the correct style, but I called it that anyway. Sky pirates is more likely.

So this particular comic got from page 1 to page 33 I believe, but I will show you how simple it was. How simple it started and then how barely less simple it ended.

This is the first page. Granted, it starts RIGHT INTO the main plot. All I did was ink it with a two-headed marker.

This second-to-last page has slightly better construction, and I also got a GREY marker. Woot woot shading.

The rest of this comic can also be seen on Facebook. My friend Jamie Rocque said he'd write a script for a second issue ((or actually, the prequel to THIS issue)) and then never actually did. xD 

On another note, I went ballroom dancing last night, stayed way too late, and my feet are killing me! Woot woot!!!

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