Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So in drawing yesterday, we did a critique. As we do every tuesday. ...bloody waste of time. But, we got to go to the Student Center and just draw people. ...Got to admit: I love drawing people when they don't notice me :3
Hooray! ...I actually know the guy with the headphones on from like 5 years ago. ...Doubt he still knows me.

Anyhoo, I also scanned some free-time doodles. For example, I bought some comic books to try and get a more american comic style. (My DRAWING TEACHER said my drawings were anime-style. I kinda flipped.)

Yep. that lower right hand is Deadpool.
And, on top of that: I scanned a comic.

I turn into a pumpkin at midnight. I don't like to sleep before then because I feel like I'm missing out. but that time I was SOOO tired.....

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