Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today was a shitty day in every sense of the word. Shitty weather, shitty events, shitty feeling. Dancing between hungry and feeling sick for most of the day is fun.

And congrats to this college for having a GREAT means of billing!! Not. First off USM didn't inform me I owed money, except subtly on a website I never visit, in an area I never check. So I go to drop off my room deposit so I can live on campus again, and this horrible blond girl announces to me "We can't accept the deposit." Curious, thinking all my payments are made by my wonderful mother who handles my finances, she says it's because I added a class.

"Wasn't the bill sent to my billing address?" I ask.

"No," she retorts, as though I said something preposterous like 'Are your hands lobsters?'. "We send our bill once a semester. Your added class had to be paid by this date."

So I'm new. I'm a freshman, for goodness sake. "Oh- well I had no way of knowing, I'm only a freshman. Is there some way I could pay my deposit anyway? I have the money I owe."

The blond girl gets some woman on the phone, and the woman asks me casually how I am. "Honestly? Not too great." The woman laughs and says lightly, "well lets see if there is some way we can get you feeling better."

She announces to me that a check for over 7000 cleared in December, and my Scholarship of 1700 cleared as well, and I still owe 947 for the class I added. Yes, I'm aware. "I Have the money, I can pay it tonight. Is there some way I can put my deposit in anyway?" No. Of course not. I need to get through this system first. I swear, this school tries its damnedest to keep students from returning.

So I go back to my room, look up on the website I never go to on the page I never check to see my balance, and it says that I am in fact missing $947. So I go to pay by credit card, call up the mum, ask for the information. She gives it to me gladly, and says "call me back if anything doesn't work!" I log into the website, head to pay, click credit card:

...Are you serious? You take DISCOVER, but you don't take VISA??? Okay. Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Dimm club International, JCB, UnionPay, Bcard, and DINAcard, but you don't take F***ing VISA?

Ooooh I get it now. You're punishing me for something. I understand.

So I call my dear mother again and tell her they don't take the only kind of credit card she has, and now she has to drive out with a CHECK that I need to turn in tomorrow WITH my deposit. For the love of god, let that work.

Thank goodness my mom is awesome and I have one of the best boyfriends in the world (who let me be a teary eyed crazy mess on him till I was done) that I can get through today without crawling back into bed to die.

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