Well, I got a job, first off.
Second, that job is fighting to save the environment.
Unfortunately, the job itself is extremely insecure. If you don't do well enough in donations, even if it has nothing to do with YOU, but the houses you visited: you're fired.
Second unfortunateness: The hours. It's 12:45 to 10 all this week, and 1:45 to 10 every monday through friday after that. I mean, on one hand it's AWESOME it starts so late in the day: I love sleeping to when I feel rested. However, it is a lot of hours, and 5 of those hours are on your feet going door to door, even running between houses to try and make enough money to not only save the North Woods, but to not get yourself fired.
Third unfortunatenes: not about the job, but about ME: I got a nasty cold on the third day of work. The kind of cold that keeps you couch, if not bed-ridden with a sore throat, ear ache, head ache, runny nose, and dizziness. I went to work this morning for the training, but I couldn't go out canvassing because I wouldn't have done anybody any good. If anything, people would have turned me away so I wouldn't get them sick.
Now, I have to make up my sick day this Saturday with the same hours, the day my belov'd boyfriend was going to come down for the weekend. I may sound pathetic, but I can barely go a week without seeing him. So I was rather distraught all day, but I talked to him and he's sympathetic. I'm going to drive up to see him on Sunday. I don't want to go a weekend without him.
So I don't have any art today, and probably won't have too much for the remainder of the summer, because of the hours of work, and the type of work I am doing. All I can hope is that my self-inflicted fever wards off the worst part of my cold before tomorrow, and I keep doing well at my job.
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