Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

My mother got me Sketchtravel!!!! This is a book when a bunch of artists took ONE sketchbook, and passed it off from Artist to artist and each one illustrated one page.

Like So. This book is AWESOME for any Illustrator, or enthusiast. me.

My brother got me the first volume of American Vampire, which I've been wanting to read.

Also good comic drawing reference.


Table top roleplay game. Honestly, if you like tabletop RPGs, play this one.

I also got this adorable little Papyrus notebook

Which I plan on making a recipe book <3

And my DARLING boyfriend, SPOILED me with 72 prismacolor markers!!!!

SO MANY COLORS!!!!!! I'll post some of the things I've colored with them soon <3

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Another doodle, and some comics

So I'm not studying for my Anatomy and Physiology final right now.

It's really dark because it's a cell phone picture. ...I gave it to her before I could scan it. 

And that class: that was the high point of art history this year.
It's been a long semester.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I waited just a little too long to talk to my adviser. The Digital Art class I wanted to take filled right up and is now unavailable to me. CURSES! Now I'm stuck taking an into to Painting, which sounds really fun: But is completely irrelevant to what I want to do in life and is at 8 in the morning. ...yayyyy.

I suppose it has more relevance than the other class I wanted to take: intro to ceramics... but... still. Wah.

Monday, November 28, 2011


So I checked up on my usual blogs: Peter De Seve, Jose Lopez, found a few new artists to creep on... then decided to press the "next blog" button about 100 times.

It seems the majority of the blogger population is middle aged moms blogging about their children.


I finally did the portrait someone asked me to do about a month ago.
It ... REALLY didn't take me long.
So if he wants something different, I can wip that up too.

I've also been doing scribble doodles.

I like doing portraits.
And on top of all that, I did some character design: a cat and mouse and several other cute animals. 
but it appears I left that sketchbook at home.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Here it is



So I've been doodling..

And I've been scrapbooking...
And I've been crocheting...
And I'll have to upload the picture of what I've made later, I suppose.
And I started exercising... (MAYBE I'LL KEEP DOING IT?!?!)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh so many things.

This is pentipus. I crocheted him.

This is a painting I made whilst watching Memoirs of a Geisha.

This is the mess of my room while I was working on my portfolio.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The first dress worn by Allie in Appaloosa. I watercolored on non-watercolor paper; hence the crinkles.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Arty stuff

Made a hat. What better to do in a hurricane?

Been playing a lot of WoW. This is my Druid mid-transformation into flight form :D

Monday, August 22, 2011


So I didn't update in forever.

Completely ignoring the reason for the blog, and my keeping up with something.

BUT! I've been doing a lot of baking.

Chocolate marble cheesecake. And home-made syrup. I also did Banana bread, chocolate muffins, and some lacy-nut cookies that were almost a complete failure. Luckily they made yummy toffee.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sadly, this is the best thing to come from my doodles of late. A fan-art picture of Dorothy and the Scarecrow after reading the Wonderful land of Oz. BUT! I'm going camping with work, therefore I won't be tempted to play LoL or CIV4, and I'll get some good drawings done.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jeez summer is long.

And it takes a Full time Job and a longing to see your friends back at college to make you realize that.

Like... when you're in middle school summer is freaking short.

I haven't been drawing much lately because of said Job. this is a stress doodle I did a few days ago, but I actually like it :3


got my hair cut.

Before and after.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

You know what's awesome?

Well, I got a job, first off.


Second, that job is fighting to save the environment.


Unfortunately, the job itself is extremely insecure. If you don't do well enough in donations, even if it has nothing to do with YOU, but the houses you visited: you're fired.

Second unfortunateness: The hours. It's 12:45 to 10 all this week, and 1:45 to 10 every monday through friday after that. I mean, on one hand it's AWESOME it starts so late in the day: I love sleeping to when I feel rested. However, it is a lot of hours, and 5 of those hours are on your feet going door to door, even running between houses to try and make enough money to not only save the North Woods, but to not get yourself fired.

Third unfortunatenes: not about the job, but about ME: I got a nasty cold on the third day of work. The kind of cold that keeps you couch, if not bed-ridden with a sore throat, ear ache, head ache, runny nose, and dizziness. I went to work this morning for the training, but I couldn't go out canvassing because I wouldn't have done anybody any good. If anything, people would have turned me away so I wouldn't get them sick.

Now, I have to make up my sick day this Saturday with the same hours, the day my belov'd boyfriend was going to come down for the weekend. I may sound pathetic, but I can barely go a week without seeing him. So I was rather distraught all day, but I talked to him and he's sympathetic. I'm going to drive up to see him on Sunday. I don't want to go a weekend without him.

So I don't have any art today, and probably won't have too much for the remainder of the summer, because of the hours of work, and the type of work I am doing. All I can hope is that my self-inflicted fever wards off the worst part of my cold before tomorrow, and I keep doing well at my job.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Alrighty then!

Happy now?
Because nobody reads my blog.
But I'M happy.
I have more, but I'm too lazy to scan
it's not that great anyway.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


So I didn't post any art.

Probably because my scanner is in my room, and my Laptop's home is here in the basement.

BUT! I did work long and hard on a picture today: one I was inspired to do last week when Justin said "We'll take pictures at Canopy!" Canopy being in reference to Canopy Lake Park, New Hampshire. So I drew that... only under a pier at Old Orchard. But it's the self-taken picture idea.

That, I am going to scan. I will. Gimme a few days.

So I got a full time job, canvassing for a company that goes around and asks people for money to cock block the government.
In this case: stop LePaige from cutting down and developing 1/3 of Maine's Northern woods.
I'm totally okay with that. I want to stop him.
I start "tomorrow" (Monday, to me it's still Saturday night, even though it is technically Sunday).

I'm trying to stay up longer than my brother.
He said he's going to bed soon.
three hours ago.
I think he's trying to stay up later than me.
Neither of us want to say anything.
We're just sitting here
not sleeping
doing random stuff on the interwebs.

I'm thinking 5 more minutes, and I'm going to bed.
Also, if he goes to bed right after me
I'm going to flip.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Status Report

-Moved home.
-Made a mess.
-Started playing Kingdom hearts again.
-Celebrated my Birthday.
-Started cleaning my room.
-Watched Wall-e and the Emperors New Groove, doodled during both. Will update with pictures soon :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Figured something out.

So I'm actually really glad I decided not to be a music or theater major. On top of the many reasons like lack of job opportunity (heck, there isn't all that much in terms of art either...) but for another reason. One of the ego.

Anyway. A few weeks ago I auditioned for and got into a ten minute play: one of many that would be happening all at once in a festival setting. Last night, I went to tech, getting ready to perform. I put on cool makeup for my part (which was not as exciting as it seems: the makeup was because my CHARACTER was just in a play. It had nothing to do with my role). anyway, here's how I got to look!

Coke addict Eyes :D

Anyway, My director said she cast she show in terms of lookalikes. So I was only cast for my looks. At tech, I scanned the room, and saw all the people socializing, and obviously I felt left out, but then I noticed something. There were so many girls. There were short, small brunettes like me, there were tall gorgeous girls, busty blond bombshells, fat girls, ugly girls, ditsy looking girls, even girls who looked like boys. I realized that if I had been in the theater department: I would just be another face. Another one auditioning, with the same skills as everybody else, and not even different in appearance. This isn't scarborough high school anymore, you're not one in a thousand. You'd be the same as all the other theater majors.

So I was so glad I decided on my art instead. Art isn't gender specific. I can draw something lovely and frilly and girly, or I can draw something horrifying or busty and slutty like a stereotypical guy. I can draw what I see and nobody can say which I am, or what I look like. Take that, world.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Home Stretch!

So it's finals week!!!

... Yayy...?
Yeah. That's my room after taking down all my awesome posters. Moving out soon. Huurp derp.

Poor Justin has to get up early enough to take the 7:30 bus to Portland for an 8 AM final. That would kill me. Heck, it'll kill him. I'll try to help.

So remember my self portrait? The one that looked like this?
People loved it. My Teacher was like "wow, you're so talented. You have a real gift for Drawing." ...did I mention that she can't seem to remember that I'm an art major? When she was going over my Portfolio, she asked me about 6 times if I was an art major in about 2 minutes. 

Anyway, that self portrait also warranted over 15 comments on Facebook, my mutual friend Sabel telling me in passing that she loved it, and my friend Katie telling me she would frame it and put it up in her apartment.

Is it just me that thinks the actual use of tools was mediocre? Nobody seems to care that the ink work is terrible. They just like the content, and the fact that it really looks like me, I guess.

I don't know. I haven't been drawing as much as I would like lately. But I went to Free Comic Day at Casablanca comics with my friends! :) Also they have a comic festival coming up on May 22nd :D I'm so there. I hope I get the skills to be a comic artist.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Gosh. Today is another one of those meh days. I've had way too many of those lately. I mean, I've been super happy because of the weather. Aw man, spring finally. <3 <3 but for some reason classes and social stuff has been bumming me out. Whatever. Well, I went to drawing today and worked on a self portrait with my 'power animal' (my teacher is kind of a crazy hippie). I decided I wanted mine to be a mongoose.

I'm meh on this, like the shading on the face went kind of wonky. But I'm proud of the pose and how I emphasized things. My teacher loved it: but she kinda loves everyone. The first time she told me I had great talent I glowed for hours afterward. Today I heard her tell that to like 8 other people and now I feel less special. Whatever.

I want the semester to be over so I can focus on getting a job.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Guess what?

Ever have one of those days when you can't pinpoint a reason why, but you're really pissy all day?

Also, ever have one of those moments when you e-mail a business professor, begging to get into his class and you miss-spell entrepreneurial  twice? You spell it entrepaneurial. twice. and send it.

I feel like an idiot.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


God I hate the job market today. Moreover, I hate applying to a million jobs, which is what I'm doing. I'm not looking forward to WORKING, but money is a necessity. Rrrrgh. But I did do a commission for 20 dollars... and by that I mean I finished it 2 days LATE ;_; I'm not going to make him pay me. But I did DO it for today, if he still wants it. T_T (I was too impatient to scan it, and a few blobs were still wet. Thank goodness acrylic paint can just be nudged off)

anyhoo, drawing was boring. Actually no, it was Boring. We critiqued the homework, and that was it. The teacher expected us to stick around and do more work, but I just doodled whatever I wanted in my sketchbook, which (without music or movie playing) gets boring over the course of three hours. However, I did make some good sketches.

I love this one. I need to do more detail more often.

Climbin' trees with Justin<3

this one is simply titled 'I don't do dresses'. Hence the face.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Drawing class was good.

We actually had a young model. An attractive one, too. Not that Mary isn't lovely... she's just.... LINE-Y. Anyway: drawings!!!

Okay. So this is her. Kristen, apparently. Young and pretty and awesome and not old... ahh... this took me about twenty minutes, on small sketchbook paper with an EBONY pencil, I believe... possibly my woodless pencils.

This is a gesture I did that I really loved. I wished I could take it and make a larger scale version without a pink marker gesture over it, but she never made that pose again. So I scanned this one.

This is on the same page as the previous picture, but I liked the shading. So yeah. She was pretty.


Monday, April 11, 2011


Oh GOD today is a nice day!!! This morning the weather was TERRIBLE. Rainy, foggy, wet, miserable: did not want to go outside. Around 1, my boyfriend and I walked to the Gorham Grind. I thought it was so nice outside we spent the next 4 hours outside. God damn. So nice.

Thank god for sunshine <3 <3 <3 ((that's actually a really old drawing. But I don't have anything new right now, and I wanted to update.))

Oh, how about an old Self Portrait?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Today was a shitty day in every sense of the word. Shitty weather, shitty events, shitty feeling. Dancing between hungry and feeling sick for most of the day is fun.

And congrats to this college for having a GREAT means of billing!! Not. First off USM didn't inform me I owed money, except subtly on a website I never visit, in an area I never check. So I go to drop off my room deposit so I can live on campus again, and this horrible blond girl announces to me "We can't accept the deposit." Curious, thinking all my payments are made by my wonderful mother who handles my finances, she says it's because I added a class.

"Wasn't the bill sent to my billing address?" I ask.

"No," she retorts, as though I said something preposterous like 'Are your hands lobsters?'. "We send our bill once a semester. Your added class had to be paid by this date."

So I'm new. I'm a freshman, for goodness sake. "Oh- well I had no way of knowing, I'm only a freshman. Is there some way I could pay my deposit anyway? I have the money I owe."

The blond girl gets some woman on the phone, and the woman asks me casually how I am. "Honestly? Not too great." The woman laughs and says lightly, "well lets see if there is some way we can get you feeling better."

She announces to me that a check for over 7000 cleared in December, and my Scholarship of 1700 cleared as well, and I still owe 947 for the class I added. Yes, I'm aware. "I Have the money, I can pay it tonight. Is there some way I can put my deposit in anyway?" No. Of course not. I need to get through this system first. I swear, this school tries its damnedest to keep students from returning.

So I go back to my room, look up on the website I never go to on the page I never check to see my balance, and it says that I am in fact missing $947. So I go to pay by credit card, call up the mum, ask for the information. She gives it to me gladly, and says "call me back if anything doesn't work!" I log into the website, head to pay, click credit card:

...Are you serious? You take DISCOVER, but you don't take VISA??? Okay. Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Dimm club International, JCB, UnionPay, Bcard, and DINAcard, but you don't take F***ing VISA?

Ooooh I get it now. You're punishing me for something. I understand.

So I call my dear mother again and tell her they don't take the only kind of credit card she has, and now she has to drive out with a CHECK that I need to turn in tomorrow WITH my deposit. For the love of god, let that work.

Thank goodness my mom is awesome and I have one of the best boyfriends in the world (who let me be a teary eyed crazy mess on him till I was done) that I can get through today without crawling back into bed to die.