Thursday, November 29, 2012


Long time no see!

Not that anyone routinely reads this, but I still feel bad for not updating in a while.

I don't know what it is about this assignment: or maybe it's Illustrator that I'm having issues with, but no matter the size of the file I'm working on: it comes out like a pixely piece of crap when I save it as a JPEG. But other than that I like my color scheme, and I feel like I did the atmospheric perspective pretty well for something so simple.


And here's a bunch of cartoony doodles of my friends as students at Hogwarts.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sin City inspired piece

So in my digital design class we had to pick a spread out of ADBUSTERS magazine, and I chose this awesome comic-book style page with silhouette people and speech dialogue bubbles everywhere. The first thing that popped into my head was Sin City.

Hooray, Noir goodness.

So, I grabbed an image of a city, basically TRACED it in photoshop, drew a couple silhouettes of people in the front, and added speech bubbles. So I made kind of a Sin City, adbuster-page-I-saw hybrid. And HERE IT IS!

It is sloppy in places, but I kind of like it that way.

I'm proud of it. No shame.