Thursday, November 29, 2012


Long time no see!

Not that anyone routinely reads this, but I still feel bad for not updating in a while.

I don't know what it is about this assignment: or maybe it's Illustrator that I'm having issues with, but no matter the size of the file I'm working on: it comes out like a pixely piece of crap when I save it as a JPEG. But other than that I like my color scheme, and I feel like I did the atmospheric perspective pretty well for something so simple.


And here's a bunch of cartoony doodles of my friends as students at Hogwarts.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sin City inspired piece

So in my digital design class we had to pick a spread out of ADBUSTERS magazine, and I chose this awesome comic-book style page with silhouette people and speech dialogue bubbles everywhere. The first thing that popped into my head was Sin City.

Hooray, Noir goodness.

So, I grabbed an image of a city, basically TRACED it in photoshop, drew a couple silhouettes of people in the front, and added speech bubbles. So I made kind of a Sin City, adbuster-page-I-saw hybrid. And HERE IT IS!

It is sloppy in places, but I kind of like it that way.

I'm proud of it. No shame.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Something I'm good at

Here we go. Drawings I can be proud of.

Figure drawing. This was in class, so I actually did work. Heh, like I SHOULD be doing on my homework....

This is actually a woman from my class. Her art is amazing. She's from russia: her name is pronounced "Yelena", it's probably not spelled that way. She likes my artwork, and since SHE is so amazing, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

I wish I was as proud of all of my art as I am of that Portrait. Maybe I should spend more time on my works. Maybe. Or maybe I can play more League of Legends.

I'm a failure. (OR AM I?!?)

And this is a photoshop doodle of my Commander Shepard. This will never be completed because I did it in class on the school computer, which has a different photoshop than I do. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Oh dear lord I WANT THIS

Not only do I want this issue, I want the fantasy art and comic art issues.

Not only do I want those three issues, I want a year subscription. or two. But especially this issue, because I LOVE Mass Effect and the art and the world and the design of the aliens. Dude, Garrus and Thane were amazingly designed. I want to knnnoooowww.

Like my first Illustrator attempt? I used a Mouse. A track mouse. A MAC ONE.

But anyway.

Hi Dave. <3

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Four feet tall?

My first homework assignment was to draw a figure in winter clothing.

Sounds easy, right?

The figure needs to be four feet tall.

WOAH! I draw in sketchbooks! My largest drawings are on my 18x24 sketchpad!

Well. Now I feel lame.

Does this work?
No. You spent about no time on this homework. GET YOUR PRIORITIES IN ORDER!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

So what is this?

I don't have a smart phone.

I don't really want a smart phone.

Let me rephrase, I WANT a smartphone, but I can't afford one.

So what the heck is this?

Apparently, this would take anyone who HAS a smartphone to my "e-portfolio" for my digital design class. The website itself is really boring right now... It has a banner and some other random writing assignments for the course. 

But we're talking about making business cards. I'm a little excited about that! I could give out random business cards that take people here, for instance.

But my blog is kinda lame-o right now.
Because I don't draw enough.
Because I don't have time.
To do anything.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted on the whole "business card" thing. I want an elephant on mine.

Even though that really has nothing to do with anything.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Well Hello Thur.

Yeesh it's been forever since I updated.

But I'm back in school now, which means the creative juices are flowing again, and the whole "I work all the time" and "I just want to play video games" thing is replaced by competitiveness with my classmates for "most improved", and more ideas presented to me and inspiration from my peers.

Gotta work on that whole "motivation" and "Inspiration" thing.

One of my courses is intro to Digital Art, and I made several versions of a banner with one of my drawings and some pictures I took. After working them over, I've got these three as my favorites.

Version A: Compositionally edited, however I left the levels and such as they were.


Version C: And a similar image to the second, but cooler colors and a little darker.

If I had to pick one, I like version B best. However since this was an assignment where we had to have three layers and one of them needed to be an illustration and the other two needed to be pictures and it needs to be 200x800 and blaah blaah blaah...

I don't really like it much at all. I can DO assignments, but I prefer creative freedom in a prompt.

I like my current banner better.

...I think I'm going to switch this to my banner on this website, too. Seems a little more professional. And my piggy Bacon McHampork is in it.

Alright. I'll probably have to tell everyone that I'm active again, all four of my followers.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Chimney Sweep

This is the painting I was supposed to recreate and expand on.
This is the painting I made.
This is my hand while I was working on a GIANT Charcoal drawing.

and this is my face because of it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Several weeks

Creepy two headed self portrait?

Oh! Look! Mirrors! Mirrors, man!

Mmm. Dat cloth.

Ta daaa! Weird not really looking like me self portrait thing with lots of sunlight!
Somehow getting shmutz on my face

And drawing the negative space of old naked ladies

And doing really crappy color studies.