Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So in drawing yesterday, we did a critique. As we do every tuesday. ...bloody waste of time. But, we got to go to the Student Center and just draw people. ...Got to admit: I love drawing people when they don't notice me :3
Hooray! ...I actually know the guy with the headphones on from like 5 years ago. ...Doubt he still knows me.

Anyhoo, I also scanned some free-time doodles. For example, I bought some comic books to try and get a more american comic style. (My DRAWING TEACHER said my drawings were anime-style. I kinda flipped.)

Yep. that lower right hand is Deadpool.
And, on top of that: I scanned a comic.

I turn into a pumpkin at midnight. I don't like to sleep before then because I feel like I'm missing out. but that time I was SOOO tired.....

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to Work.

So it's monday. Good for me: my art history class was cancelled, so I could get back to playing MASS EFFECT II!!!!!! I got Thane in the downtime before I have to catch the bus. WOOO!!

Which brings me to the only topic I have to discuss: one of my favorite artists on DeviantArt :D they inspire me to play the Dragon Age games more than anything, but they have a few really cute Mass Effect comics.

Then, while I was there, I thought about another artist I was inspired by, who HASN'T POSTED IN YEARS. Annoying, but I like the artwork already there.

Alright, it's time for me to leave and catch the bus to Sociology. ...ugh. Well, tomorrow I have drawing, so maybe I'll have a picture to post.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Okay. So you remember the first post when I mentioned my most recent web-comic that only made it to issue 6? Well the other day I was fantasizing about my boyfriend and how he was the guy IN that comic, and therefore was inspired to draw this. A random page in the distant future of that comic which never was... or maybe will be someday???

Yeah. Sometimes I wish I could just skip to the good parts. The exciting fun parts... skip all the waiting and story build-up.

In other news, Toff is awesome. Avatar is awesome. Earth-Bending is AWESOME.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

By the way...

My first and only kind of comic-ish success

The only comic I started and actually saw through to a completed-ish stage was my "Steampunk" comic. It wasn't really steampunk. It was sort of an idea of it but not really enough detail nor the correct style, but I called it that anyway. Sky pirates is more likely.

So this particular comic got from page 1 to page 33 I believe, but I will show you how simple it was. How simple it started and then how barely less simple it ended.

This is the first page. Granted, it starts RIGHT INTO the main plot. All I did was ink it with a two-headed marker.

This second-to-last page has slightly better construction, and I also got a GREY marker. Woot woot shading.

The rest of this comic can also be seen on Facebook. My friend Jamie Rocque said he'd write a script for a second issue ((or actually, the prequel to THIS issue)) and then never actually did. xD 

On another note, I went ballroom dancing last night, stayed way too late, and my feet are killing me! Woot woot!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Superhero Comic

So Once upon a time, I enlisted the help of my friend Adam Robertson to write a superhero comic. I came up with the premise: post nuclear fallout makes mutants and superheroes. My friends designed a bunch of the characters, and mine (of course) was the main character. This comic got to page fifteen before I decided I didn't have time.

However, I did LIKE it. a lot. So maybe I'll continue it... someday...

Now this one got to page 15, as I said. Full comic can be seen on Facebook. -sigh- it was a good one...

In other news, it was snowing this morning (BLEGHHH!) But the sun is out now!!! And I'm eating CHEESE NIPSSSS!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Oh, right, I'm a college student.



I had a class today to. In fact, I'm IN it. I made a mini autobiography as homework.

Check out my super awesome ASL skillz. and youtube skillz.


Ahh, Fridays.

This particular post is actually for yesterday. Drawing class. Got back and had too much fun. I don't expect I'll post everyday anyway.

So yeah! We had this REAAAAALLY skinny model in Drawing. Like... too skinny. He was a little strange, too. Here's a picture I drew of him.

And after ASL tonight I'm on SCHOOL VACATION! Win win win!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Okay, lets try this.

So hey.

I'm a floundering art student slash aspiring comic artist, and I have a serious problem keeping up with and or continuing ANYTHING. For example, my most recent 'web comic' on smack jeeves got to a whopping five pages before I decided I was too busy to keep it running.

To tell the truth, I WAS too busy to keep it going. I want to be a penciller, and the inking and shading made it all too much for just me. But whatever. Maybe a blog will help me with getting into the habit of updating something regularly.

SoooOOOooo I might as well post a comic of me and my friends, huh? Don't mind the terrible artwork, I swear, when I'm goofing off it's not as good as when I try.

Ever heard of Magic the Gathering?
Yeah. I have.

So I'm Yvonne the Moose, other known as Aileen, and welcome to my blog.